KAKAKOMPYUTER MO YAN! is an exhibition dedicated to Filipino internet & networking cultures, in the form of a neverending karaoke party.

Featuring over 20 Filipino artists, curated & developed by Chia Amisola, this project is a unique articulation of Filipino conditions online, under the online. In an age of digital repression, censorship, and disinformation, we work towards reclaiming the internet as a space for liberation rather than oppression, advancing the internet as a poetic medium for the third world.

We are looking for financial support as we launch in Manila this August 2024. We have already secured a venue thanks to artist Agustin Crisostomo, and are producing the event with artist Sam & Jas of Et alt, and are currently editing an artist book & producing workshops and talks.

We had a successful preview of our event at DEMO2024 in New York City in June 2024. KMY's development is self-funded. We've poured hundreds of hours and are now seeking your help to launch and plan to continue this neverending karaoke party again and again and again. These funds will allow us to continuously install KMY in the Philippines and broader Southeast Asia.

Watch this 7 minute talk we gave at DEMO2024 in New York for an overview on our work...

Your support helps us...







  • Help us run an exhibition and launch party in Manila.
  • We'll print an artists' book for the first issue of KMY, with a couple of new texts.
  • Our artists will receive the support to present, screen, and talk about their work in Manila.
  • We'll run a couple of workshops about the poetic web.

(We need to rent equipment, procure materials, get volunteers, bring local artists in, etc. We can reuse many of the materials for future installations!)



  • We'll make 1–2 more issues of KMY in the future.
  • Our artists' book will also be available online, with new pieces, essays, and texts.
  • We'll make a karaoke-style performance lecture on our practices.
Stretch goals...



  • Our work can go beyond Manila, traveling around the Philippines.
  • We can bring in more artists who need more significant technical support, closely helping a new generation of new media & internet artists.
  • Run another year of educational programming, such as our talk series, essays, and tutorials that nurture more expansive, poetic, and critical views of technology — pay-what-you-can, always.



  • We can bring in editors & researchers to support our publishing and internet history projects.
  • Our next issues will bring in internet history projects: restoring Filipino projects that speak to a history of solidarity, resistance, and communion.
  • We can expand KMY to the broader global south, incorporating more third world perspectives

This helps fund the Philippine Internet Archive: our larger project unraveling Filipino internet & networking history through interviews, indexing, and writing.



  • We can develop a residency for third world technologists exploring new media, internet art, etc.
  • We'll work on the next KMY at an above-market rate, bring in more collaborators, and get paid for our labor.
  • With partners throughout the year, we'll be able to have a pisonet-style, freestanding KMY machine that we can continuously mount in the Philippines.

It's also worth mentioning that we've been doing this work for eight years and have no plans of stopping. In our long journey of nurturing more poetic and critical technologists in the Philippines, we've been turning towards artistic interventions, the web as a poetic medium, publishing & research, and educational programming. (We used to do startup/VC stuff, and we do still work in tech, but very differently now.)

This is not just a one-time event: you're supporting a longstanding community of practice... we will still do the work anyway, but this support helps us mentally (a lot!) and materially—able to be more consistent, intentional, and recruit resources to help.